20 Acts of Kindness – Act No. 6: Donation to Perry Cross Spinal Research Foundation
You may have seen our commitment to undertake 20 Acts of Kindness to commemorate the 20th year of Evans & Company Family Lawyers.
Our sixth Act of Kindness has benefited The Perry Cross Spinal Research Foundation, supported through our sponsorship of the recent Walsh Accountant Entrepreneurs Polo Cup and the donation of raffle prizes by the firm and other like-minded businesses.
At the end of the event, the raffles raised $3,018 for the Foundation.
About the Perry Cross Spinal Research Foundation:
No one wants to experience life with paralysis, yet every day in Australia, at least one person has their life changed forever by a devastating spinal injury.
Day to day tasks and mobility become an extraordinary challenge for the injured person and also their families.
Perry Cross was injured in a rugby union game and his life was unforeseeably and profoundly changed in an instant.
His approach to life after paralysis has been nothing short of inspirational, and, as Perry’s health journey continues, so does his conviction to lead a united and multi-faceted approach to bringing together people with the knowledge, skills and passion required to find a cure for paralysis and help those affected.
The Perry Cross Spinal Research Foundation aims to facilitate, collaborate and initiate the connections and research required to find a cure for paralysis.